How to build a writing culture

We have written a series of articles for building a writing culture. They can all be found here.
Building a Writing Culture
In writing about what I’ve learned about writing at Amazon, I’ve been thinking a lot about how you would go about building a writing culture at your own company. This is the first of a series of blogs I plan on writing, looking at how Amazon got started…

Ready to stop wasting time & money?
Every year, companies waste $100 million in unproductive meetings. So why aren’t you starting meetings with a written document?
Tenets: the writing super-decider everyone needs
This is the third article in the “Building a Writing Culture” series. Do you ever feel like you are on a merry-go-round, discussing the same topic over and over again? It’s like the topic is glue and every discussion just sticks to it. Have you ever stopped to think

Why are you writing?
Writing a document isn’t a quick fix, it takes time and effort to craft the right narrative to inform your reader. I also think that having a document take centre stage is a great way to make meetings work harder. But how do you know you are writing the right document?